Routine Appointments



A health problem which can wait a few weeks
Routine review of a long term condition such as asthma, blood pressure or diabetes
A routine monitoring blood test
Cervical smears
Baby check
Immunisations and vaccines
Contraception and family planning
Minor surgery / steroid injections

You can find detailed information on all the services we provide here

Before contacting us, please consider the following options which may meet your health need

All these options are available without the need for a GP appointment

Are you looking for an NHS HEARING AID or a HEARING TEST?

Norfolk NHS Audiology Service – If you are over 50, you can self refer without the need for a GP referral

Are you looking for NHS PHYSIOTHERAPY?

Physiotherapists help to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. This includes dealing with back ache, hip pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, women’s health physiotherapy and much more. Generally the NHS doesn’t offer referrals to orthopaedics unless someone has tried physiotherapy first.
You can self refer for NHS physiotherapy via the Integrated Therapy Partnership. Their website also has lots of useful self help leaflets.

Are you looking for help with ANXIETY and DEPRESSION?

The Wellbeing Team is our local service which you are able to self refer to. We often encourage patients to contact the wellbeing team who can provide various talking therapies including cognitive behavioural therapy. Their website also has lots of very useful self help material.

Are you looking for advice on your CHILDS HEALTH?

Mild to Moderate Mental Health Needs (up to age 25) – you can submit a self referral your child to the Norfolk and Waveney team via Just One Number. From the information received the team will decide which service best meets your child’s need.

Early Help – If you have difficulties in your family or are worried about your children, there are people who can offer help and support. Early Help is for children of any age (0-17) and their family. It’s about getting information, advice and guidance to prevent family worries escalating into bigger issues. You can phone the service on 0344 800 8020. You can self refer directly using this link.

Just One Norfolk is the local service for accessing child health resources. This includes child developmental advice, healthy lifestyle advice, speech and language information, emotional health and much more. You can access them using the link or calling 0300 300 0123.

Kooth is a free service which allows young people to seek advice and counselling, it also provides lots of online tools which young people can use to manage their symptoms

Solihull Parenting Course ‘Understanding Your Child’ is a free online course available for everyone who cares for children aged 0-18 years. It’s there to help you recognise emotions in yourself and your child, and helps you to see how these emotions can impact on behaviour.

Supporting Smiles (formally Point-1) offers professional mental health support to any child or young person, aged 4 – 14 years, living in Norfolk or Waveney or registered with a Norfolk or Waveney GP. You can self refer via their website.

Family Lives has a confidential helpline you can call to discuss a wide variety of issues including parenting advice, behavioural issue, child mental health problems and much more. They also provide “live chat” and e-mail communication.

This May Help has very useful information on a number of child mental health issues including anxiety, depression, self harm, online activity, teenager safety, eating disorders and school avoidance.

Do you need help with ALCOHOL / DRUGS or STOPPING SMOKING?

If you are concerned about alcohol and/or drugs you can self refer to Change Grow Live which is our local drugs and alcohol team. Their services include medical treatment, including substitute prescribing or medication that helps prevent relapse.

You can also contact Alcoholics Anonymous via their website or national helpline free on 0800 9177 650 and talk directly to someone who has overcome their own issues with alcohol, alternatively, you can email for help.  

If you are looking to stop smoking you can self refer to smoke free Norfolk

Are you looking for SOCIAL CARE?

You can access the adult social care team here.
Urgent help at home can be accessed via the Norfolk Swift Response Team

Are you looking for PREGNANCY or SEXUAL HEALTH advice or to book with the MIDWIFE?

Just One Norfolk – Has lots of useful information on preparing for pregnancy and the pregnancy journey

British Pregnancy Advisory Service – you can self refer to the BPAS team if you are uncertain about whether you want to continue with a pregnancy.

iCash – if you’re looking for contraception, treatment for sexually transmitted infections, HIV care and treatment or related advice in Norfolk

Midwife Appointment – if you have just found out you are pregnant you can self refer to the midwife team here or you can call 01603 481222. If you are less than 6 weeks pregnant please do this when you are between 6 – 8 weeks. If you are more than 8 weeks pregnant now please do this on the next working day.

Morning After Pill – you can obtain the “morning after pill” from a number of sources other than the GP surgery

Are you an adult looking for an AUTISM ASSESSMENT?

Adults (18+) can self refer for an NHS autism assessment via Autism Service Norfolk. You do not need a GP appointment to access this service and the details on how to refer are outlined on their website. It does mention that if you self refer you should inform your GP. You can do this by either speaking to one of our reception team or using our online consultation tool PATCHS.

Are you looking to LOSE WEIGHT through Slimming World or Your Health Norfolk?

You can self refer to a 12 week weight reduction programme through this link.

To be eligible for the free support you must be:

  • Aged 18 or above
  • Have a BMI of 30 or above, or if you are Black, Asian or from another minority ethnic group, a BMI of 27.5 or above
  • A Norfolk resident, or be registered with a Norfolk GP Practice

The service is not available if:

  • You are currently pregnant
  • You have attended one of the funded weight management services in the past 12 months
  • You have been a paying member of Slimming World in the past three months

An A-Z SELF HELP and MEDICATION guide which may answer your query can be found here

Health A-Z – A complete guide conditions, symptoms and treatments, including when to get help

Medicine A-Z – Find out how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions


To Make A Routine Appointment Use PATCHS

Use our online consultation service called PATCHS to request an appointment without having to wait on the phone
We aim to review all forms within 72 hours and offer an appointment within 6 weeks

If you are unable to use online services or PATCHS is unavailable then please phone us on:
01603 977 477


FAQ Section – Routine Appointments

Why are we so busy?

With all the new housing developments why can’t you stop taking on new patients?

What is PATCHS?

What can I use PATCHS for?

Can I request routine appointment for something else like a nurse appointment or a blood test?

Why should I use this route for routine appointments?

What happens after I have submitted my form?

Why can’t I use this route for urgent appointments?

Why aren’t the forms always available?

What if I need a routine appointment but I can’t use the internet or computers?

How do I register with and use PATCHS?

The forms feel a bit like a chatbot!