Update on the potential new GP Surgery in Hethersett

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The NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB), the organisation which commissions services provided by GP practices, South Norfolk Council, and the Humbleyard Practice are continuing to engage with local partners to explore options that will provide additional healthcare and medical provision within the Hethersett area.

The ICB, Humbleyard Practice, and South Norfolk Council are all committed to improving the healthcare facilities in the Humbleyard catchment. All three parties are working together to scope a project which, if delivered, would likely see a new build surgery in Hethersett, involving the relocation from existing premises into larger facilities. This potential investment will support the delivery of sustainable, excellent patient care for the future, provide an expanded range of clinical services, and also offer a new healthcare provision for local residents.

Currently, the Humbleyard Practice, which serves Cringleford, Hethersett and Mulbarton, has a registered patient list of more than 21,750 patients across its three existing sites. It is acknowledged that the practice is already oversubscribed and is working with the ICB to ensure it has the premises and workforce to serve the current patient list and meet the future demand of the proposed 1,700 – 2,000 homes still to be built in its catchment area.

While the project will need all the parties to work together, South Norfolk Council is proactively working with all partners to secure an appropriate serviced location in Hethersett together with the necessary finance to construct a GP practice. Detailed planning permission and commercial discussions will be required but the most significant hurdles have been cleared. The partners will be engaging with the local community as the project develops to ensure that the needs and views of the community are considered in the proposals.